Cool stock photos (at least to me) are the photos that are useful for your projects, royalty-free, and don’t look like every other overly-saturated, picture-perfect image on the internet.
Over the years I’ve found my absolute favorite sources for beautiful, authentic photos for websites, marketing, and client projects. I wanted to package them all up into one convenient spot for you.
When I mention that I was in a local 4-H Club as a kid, most people’s eyes go wide and they say, “YOU?”
4H is known as pretty farm-focused. All the children at local fairs showing cows and horses? Almost all 4-H kids.
I, however, don’t really come off as ‘farm’ anything. So it always makes more sense when I clarify that I was in Photography 4H.
(Yes, that’s a thing).
Once I mention photography, no one blinks an eye. Photography was kind of my first-ever creative love and it’s been a part of my personality since I was a kid.
I spent weeks deciding which point and shoot to buy myself when I turned 12. (Sony Cybershot. It was my pride and joy)
And I still have my first-ever film camera I got for my 15th birthday.
I’ve done photography as a side hustle, freelance, and even full-time for a while over the past 12+ years. Woof. That’s crazy when I think about it.
So… When I help clients with photos for their website, it makes sense that I have a lot of thoughts, tips, and strong feelings about it!
Having beautiful, consistent, on-brand images for your website, marketing, and social can make SUCH a big difference in your results.
When someone comes to me ready to refresh their website (or build a new one) I ask about images in our discovery call!
Sometimes clients already have brand photography, sometimes they plan on doing a brand shoot with a photographer to create new images, and sometimes they plan to use a mix of stock.
Even if you’re hiring a brand photographer (which I do often recommend!) or already have some photos to use, these sites are AWESOME resources for additional imagery or marketing photos!
The most brilliant idea ever. This almost looks like Pinterest but you’re allowed to download and use these images for your business!
People upload their photos to this site and most of the imagery is focused on a lifestyle, phone-photography aesthetic.
Great for more personal brands or brands looking for awesome marketing imagery!
This site has been a go-to for me forever.
Over the years it’s gotten a bit tough to sift through (more ads and paid plans now) but it is still a great source for professional photography!
You can browse and download images that don’t have that traditional stock feel, and easily credit the photographers on your site!
I have Canva Pro and I use this tool (I’m not lying) Every. Single. Day.
Canva is a simple graphic design option that supports user’s with templates, sizing, elements… It’s a creative’s paradise.
The images and videos on Canva can be used for personal and most commercial purposes, making it an AWESOME resource for stock imagery.
I find a lot of my favorite images I find from unique search queries or looking at their trending page and then selecting “more like this” to find unique imagery!
This is my newest find! I recently downloaded the ESI free trial (20 images) and wow! This is 100% a membership I will be recommending to clients.
ESI would be a great option for lifestyle, agency, consulting, creative businesses that aren’t quite ready to invest in custom brand photography but still want an elevated, custom-feel.
Kaboompics is the perfect place to find trendy imagery for luxury, lifestyle, blogs, and more. I have found myself going back to their library over and over lately. Highly recommend browsing through their collections once you find an image you like.
If you’re here looking for free stock photos because you want to avoid hiring a photographer to capture unique content for your business, please keep in mind that having photos of the real people, projects, and locations behind your business is hugely valuable.
Stock imagery is a great way to supplement, fill the gaps, and start out. But I see too many businesses relying solely on stock photography to avoid investing into photos of their own brand.
Stock is powerful, awesome, and useful! Just keep in mind the power of investing in your own photography as well.
Looking for support on your website, branding, or marketing project? Contact me and let’s chat about working together! Or check out a few of my case studies and see if our styles are a good match.
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